David gets the proof for Necromancer – August 2024

This is a photo of David receiving his proof copy of Necromancer, book #6 in the Chronicles of the Daemon Knights fantasy series. Necromancer was released on August 17, 2024. Due to reader feedback at the first book signing for Necromancer, David learned that some copies of Halfling, Book #3, had been sold with a page missing. The missing (blank) …

David & Edna having fun at the Market – June 2024

This was a selfie Edna took at the market while David was making his Elf Wizard face. David liked it so much he decided to use it for the bio photo in his next book. Necromancer will be released in mid August, 2024. Life just seemed to keep getting in the way ever since the release of Prophet, so Necromancer …

Christmas Market at Cherry Lane Mall – December 2023

David was signing books at Cherry Lane Mall during the 2023 Penticton Farmers Christmas Market. He had a great time talking with old friends and introducing new ones to his Fantasy Series. He was also letting everyone know the planned release date for Necromancer is July 2024.  

In The Philippines – October 2022 to March 2023

Fort Santiago

Back in the Philippines. In January, Dave and Edna visited Fort Santiago, Intramuros Manila.  This is a 16th century Spanish fort complete with dungeons, which we were able to walk through. See the short video below. This fort was also the site of a major battle between US and Japanese forces in 1945.  Some of the walls inside the fort …

In The Philippines – March 2022

David and Edna at the Taal Volcano in Tagaytay 2022

In the Philippines, Dave and Edna visited Tagaytay in order to see the volcano Taal from the top of The Peoples Park. This was a Bucket List item for David. See David’s Video of Mystical Caves at Facebook

Stuck at home due to Pandemic – April 2020

Dragon head

David was busy getting Prophet finished and published. He painted the cover image and did three pencil drawings for the inside. See Full Story on my Wizards Blog

Meeting Kim Coates at the Penticton Market, August 2018

Kim Coates at the DPA Market

David met Kim Coates at the Penticton Saturday morning market, where the actor took this selfie in front of David’s booth. They talked a bit about Kim’s role in Sons of Anarchy and his CBC Bad Blood series. To David, Kim seemed like a real down to earth nice guy, and not at all like the ‘gangster killer type’ he …

Penticton & District Arts Awards, February 2016

Literary Arts Award 2016

David was awarded the 2016 Literary Award during the third annual Penticton And District Arts awards, held Thursday, February 18th, at the Shatford Centre. This was a wonderful night of food, wine, entertainment and of course, the awards. The Literary Award was sponsored by the Penticton Herald.

KVR Middle School, Penticton, October 2015

Raise A Reader KVR

David visits KVR Middle School to talk with the grade 7 students about writing and publishing. Thanks to Yasmin John-Thorpe, and the South Okanagan Raise A Reader program, each student selected one of his books to take home with them.

Summerland Secondary, Summerland, October 2015

Raise A Reader Summerland

David visits Summerland Secondary to talk with the grade nines about Fanatasy writing. Thanks to Yasmin John-Thorpe, and the South Okanagan Raise A Reader program, each student selected one of his books to take home with them.

Osoyoos Elementary, Osoyoos, May 2015

Raise A Reader

David visits the Osoyoos Elementary School to talk with the grade 6/7 students about writing and publishing. Thanks to the Penticton Herald South Okanagan Raise A Reader program, each student received one of his books to take home.

Skaha Lake Middle School, Penticton, November 2014

Raise A Reader - 2014

David visits Skaha Lake Middle School to talk with the grade eights about writing and publishing. Thanks to the Penticton Herald South Okanagan Raise A Reader program, each student received one of his books to take home.